My father’s son

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I saw my father today

In fleeting moment he was dancing in our living room.

I was not hallucinating nor dreaming

But it took me a while to recognize him.

See, I got my pointer finger squeezed between the hinges of the portable dog fence.

The shock and adrenaline rush causing a familiar tirade. A wail of pain peppered with a self-directed admonishment:

“Ang tanga. Ang tanga-tangaaaa!” (“Dumb move. You d-dumbasssss!”)

While enveloped by a crimson pain for an eternity stretching few seconds that was when I saw him.

For that was exactly how he would react in situations like that. Reactions that I aways thought funny and, par for the course with my father, “eccentric”. I didn’t realize that I have appropriated it as well.

Ergo, I am my father’s son and a part of my father lives within me.