I had a dream
Jan 30
I had a dream and it was special.
It was about killing snakes in the bedroom/storeroom in our house in the province…
It was about a large snake that transformed into a human being when I killed it…
It was about me putting the snakes in a bag and taking them to school…
It was about me missing a major exam that I am not aware of, in college, and administered by my high school language teacher…
It was about me failing to answer anything since they were taking off the questions written in sheets of Manila paper as I am about to answer them…
It was about snakes that I assumed to be dead but are miraculously alive…
It was about finding out that even if snakes are dead, they have tiny eggs in them that succeeds in producing new snakes that takes an unbelievable short time to hatch and mature…
It was about killing these new snakes and trying to flush them down the 3rd floor men’s bathroom in the UST College of Science building…
It was about snakes that were maturing to constrictor-size beasts while I was trying to flush down small snakes on the toilet…
It was about me having enough and realizing it was a dream and woke myself up.
Now how many of you have ever had a dream wherein you realize its only a dream and could wake yourself up by just willing it?